090206 (Fri.)

There was a Saudi Arabia Cultural Show and Open House introducing their people and cultures. Some Saudi Arabian men sang and danced with repetitive circling and stepping on the floor. Women just sat aside quietly. Children gathered to play some board games and they sang on the stage at  the end of the show. They were really cute. Guests were treated with specil drink and traditional Saudi Arabian food. I tried on thier traditional clothes, but the color I chose made it more like a Chinese one.  XD But that was really an interesting experience. 


晚上去Squirrel Hill逛了我一直很想買的UGG,這裡超多人在穿,聽說它用的毛比較好,穿起來不會腳臭,不過我很懷疑台灣的天氣適不適合?我看我回去之後要等到明年冬天才派的上用場吧,總覺得春天已經要來了!米奇帶我去吃一家台灣餐廳,可是炸甜不辣好鹹,多吃幾次就要得腎臟病了。在台灣有50嵐喝,這裡的珍奶就覺得很普通,但是對於已經忘記50嵐的味道的人,有珍奶喝已經是人間美味了。


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