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Recently, I have been attracted by this program on Travel and Living---Come Dine With ME.
I was amazed at how all the gourmets lead their life tastefully and devote to cooking and delicacies. 
Here are some introduction to the program from the


It's a mouth-watering culinary extravaganza as five strangers battle it out for the title of ultimate dinner party host.

From stunning starters to delicious desserts, each amateur chef believes he or she can create the evening's perfect menu.  But with gourmet guests judging every move, the culinary cracks cannot be hidden.  Can the hosts rise to the challenge, or will they reach their boiling points too quickly? 

In each episode, one of the five contestants hosts a dinner party for the other four.  Following the evening of competitive entertaining, the guests award points, and the host with the highest marks at the end of the week wins the cash.  A thousand British pounds of prize money combined with a sprinkling of friendly rivalry – this November the cooking competition is steep.


• Episode 1
45-year-old office manager Jane Furlong is cooking a lavish five-course banquet for four total strangers.  Mother of three Rocky Scott believes entertaining should be simple and effortless.  Scantily clad speedboat racer Sarah Donohue dismisses soup as old-fashioned.  David Thomas is a dinner party perfectionist, and ultra-confident Paul Martin is determined to win the contest. Things don't get off to a good start when Jane's champagne jelly glasses prove too tall for her refrigerator.  Keeping things simple definitely isn't Jane's style -- will her guests be impressed or has she gone over the top? 

• Episode 2
It's debonair David Thomas's turn to play host.  When his guests arrive, they're awe-struck by their sumptuous surroundings.  From a rich and decadent smoked salmon cheesecake to the meticulously prepared duck and a flaming crepe finale, David gives everyone a night to remember.  But when it comes to winning votes, has he gone too far?  Is it possible to have too much of good thing? 

• Episode 3
It's Sarah's turn to show off her hosting skills.  She's creating a Middle Eastern extravaganza, complete with 12 starters.  Will her love for all things Middle Eastern prove her undoing or serve as her inspiration?  Sarah expects her guests to sit on the floor, help themselves to a baffling array of dishes and endure her chaotic style of entertaining.  When an exotic belly dancer arrives, will it be too much for the guests? 

• Episode 4
Rocky Scott doesn't believe dinner parties should be hard work.  Instead, she relies on hearty home cooking.  She's preparing a traditional Jewish Friday night feast with chopped liver, egg and onion and everyone's favorite -- chicken soup with dumplings.  Rocky offers many useful tips including advice on keeping a kitchen tidy and turning pasta into pudding.  At the end of the evening, however, relations between the group have sunk to an all-time low.  Will they get through to the end of the week? 

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