090205 (Thu.)

I can hardly imagine how difficult it is to order a meal before I am really here. The clerk always asks unexpected details about your ordering, speaking so fast. In Taiwan, we only answer such questions in 50 嵐. Can't I just have a cheese burger or sub? Having been a bit frustrated though, I think this is a process of learning language and culture. That's fine. I realize that what we have learned in textbooks may not all work well here. Authentic contexts provide the most direct way to language learning. Real exposure! Real Use! Real experience! All I need is time :)

在這裡點餐一開始常會搞不太清楚狀況,店員常常會問我們在台灣不太會碰到的問題,點個漢堡還要自己決定所有配菜和醬料,有時候我只是單純想吃個cheese burger,不知道為什麼變那麼複雜?而且英文聽力的開關沒有自動打開的時候,常常會發愣!不過我漸漸了解很多事情習慣之後就變得容易許多。

We were invited to a film Happy Flight, sponsored by ANA (All Nippon Airways). All the scenes take place in an airport and an airplane, which can be very familiar to everyone with flight experiences. This film states its simple storyline with humor. Authentic work environment of the airline staff could be attractive to some. (More information about this film: HERE)

受朋友之邀我們去看了一部名為Happy Flight的電影,整場有一半以上是日本人,大家似乎非常捧場,電影滿好看的,笑點很多,女主角是演"魚干女又怎樣"的綾瀨遙。這是去年的電影,如果租的到有機會可以看一下,看完心情會很輕鬆,還能知道許多關於機場作業、飛行員、空服員和地勤的工作甘苦內幕。 --

It's extraordinarily freezing today! The coldest in my life!!     

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