How Charming Are You?
Interview with Brian Tracy, author of The Power Of Charm 

Mike Carruthers:
If you want to be successful you have to be charming. 

Brian Tracy:
The fact is that 85% of your success or lack of success is going to be determined by your relationships with other people. And the fact is that people who are the most successful are described by others as nice people. 

Brian Tracy, co-author of the book, The Power Of Charm, says anyone can learn to be more charming- there are five steps to doing it, he calls them the five "A's". 

And the five "A's" are first of all acceptance, just unconditional acceptance of other people without judgment. The second is appreciation, just thanking people for the things that they do. Just thanking people dramatically raises their self esteem. And the most wonderful thing is this; everything that you do to raise the self esteem of another raises your own. You can't do something nice for someone else without feeling better yourself. 

The third principle is admiration.
Just admire people's possessions, their traits, their qualities. "Boy, you're sure punctual, or you look very nice today."-Just complimenting people. And another is approval and approval is very powerful. One of the strongest and fastest ways to make people feel important and valuable is to tell them that they've done a good job that they've done very well at something. 

And the last key to being more charming is attention. 
Attention is really the key if we talk about paying very, very close attention to people when they talk- nodding, eye contact. Because paying focused attention to people has a dramatic effect on their personality- it causes them to see you as a really nice person.




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